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Peadar O Riada Blog
Friday, 25 April 2003
Cuireadh chun Ceoil
Seo chun piosa faoi leith ceoil a bhi ar an gclar do phle no iarratas do chuir isteach.
I am posting this so that people can disscuss a particuilar piece of music they may have heard on the programme (see communications link and radio work) or to place a request.

Posted by peadarbui at 12:20 PM BST
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Caoineadh Airt Ui Laoighre
Ta se seo ansa chun go bhfeadfadh daoine a dtuairimi do chuir in iuil i dtaobh na h-oibre.Ta se cannta i mBaile Mhuirne faoi dho. Beidh se sa Daingean 30/4/2003 aBaile Atha Cliath an 17u san SFX Theatre.
I am posting this so that people can comment on the work. It has been performed in Baile Mhuirne twice so far. The Dingle (Co Kerry) date is 30/4/2003 and the Dublin date is May 17th in the SFX Theatre.

Posted by peadarbui at 12:13 PM BST
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Friday, 11 April 2003
An Chead leathanach
Seo i an chead teangabhail. Ta suil agam go n-oibreoidh se. Bo mhaith liom comhra do thosnu ar chursai sean nois. Ta moran aineolas morthimpeall agus fior bheagan sean-nois!!

This is my first attempt to get a space for argument and disscussion up and running. I am interested to see waht people think of the current state of Irish 'Sean nos" singing. It seems to me that there is much abuse of the term. An understanding of this form of singing seems to be very different according to whichever source one is talking to!

Posted by peadarbui at 3:28 PM BST
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